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 Please Read Before Registering for Training Camp!!! 

 Not Applicable for NAASF or WASC events 

Please take note of the following ability levels.    If you are going to be taking lessons, you will need to know the number associated with your ability.  'S" designates skier, and "SB" designates Snowboarder.  Registration form is below.


S1: You have never skied before.

S2: You can ski in a cautious wedge. 

S3: You can make round turns with confidence on green terrain.

S4: Links turns with speed control and brings skis together parallel at the end of the turn on green and easier blue runs.

S5: Confident on green and easy blue runs. You ski mostly parallel but may wedge or step to start the turns.

S6: Use a parallel stance on smooth blue runs and are testing your skills on varied terrain and snow conditions.  

S7: You ski with controlled parallel turns, maintaining rhythm and speed control on groomed black runs.

S8: You ski with good technique on all terrain and snow conditions, using carved short radius turns.


SB1: You have never snowboarded before.

SB2: You can side slip on toe or heel, sliding left and right.

SB3: You are able to slide left and right in control on both edges or complete an independent heel and toe turn on green terrain. 

SB4: You are able to complete a linked toe and heel turn on gentle green terrain and looking toward easy blue runs.

SB5: You are able to complete linked turns on toe and heel side on green and blue runs.

SB6: You are able to complete linked turns with minimal traverse comfortably on all blue terrain and easy black runs. 

SB7: You are able to link turns with rhythm and flow on difficult blue and most black runs.

SB8: Join your instructors to make turns of any kind, anywhere, anytime all over the mountain and in all snow conditions, taking your riding to the highest Level.

American Airlines Ski & Snowboard 2025 TRAINING CAMP

  • 8 Dec 2025
  • 7:00 AM
  • 12 Dec 2025
  • 4:00 PM
  • Steamboat Springs, CO


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

American Airlines Ski & Snowboard Club

501 (c) 7 nonprofit organization

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